Don’t Quit Your Day Job: Or do

Every writer has faced failure at some point, some more than others. Some have accepted rejection and chose other paths, but successful writers do not accept rejection. They use it as motivation like David Baldacci. Baldacci experienced less hardship than the typical author who has experienced his level of success. His first book earned him a two million dollar advance, became an instant international bestseller, and was made into a movie starring Clint Eastwood. Baldacci spent a decade as a lawyer by day and writing at night with nothing to show for his time spent writing. Now Baldacci has authored 24 adult novels which have been translated into 45 languages.

Perhaps Baldacci’s unparalled success in publishing experience is attributable to his absolute compulsion to write. “If writing were illegal, I’d be in prison,” says Baldacci. Baldacci claims that lawyers are the best story tellers in that it is their job to present the facts in the most convincing story to the jury in order to defend their client. Baldacci’s career as a lawyer provided him with valuable experience that he could transfer to his first political thriller, Absolute Power.

Now David and his wife dedicate much of their time to the Wish You Well Foundation which serve to promote adult literacy. It is truly miraculous the opportunity and career that David has had all as the result of writing at night or in his spare time. He has made a profound impact on his readers and many illiterate people throughout the country.

Maran, Meredith. Why We Write: 20 Acclaimed Authors on How and Why They Do What They Do. New York: Plume, 2013. Print

One thought on “Don’t Quit Your Day Job: Or do

  1. jesslangone March 15, 2015 / 11:29 pm

    Baldacci has a great story, and I think that it is important for writers to realize that you can write what you know. The fact that he pulls inspiration from his career as a lawyer is a great example of this.
    I also like how you mentioned that when he first started writing, he had nothing to show for it. Writing is hard work, even if you enjoy it, and it can be discouraging when people don’t respond the way you would like them to in regards to your writing.
    Baldacci is a perfect example of not letting rejection discourage your writing.


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